Friday, February 20, 2009

Thing #3

Blog search engines --of course! We need to list our Book Blog on a web search engine. Altho I got millions of results when I searched a blog topic in Google blog search engine. The age old question now of how to get your blog listed high enough to be read.
I looked up knitting blogs in 2 search engines, Technorati and Google Blog Search. In Technorati, it was easier to refine the search at the top and there were fewer results. (Does fewer results make them better?) In Google Blog Search, I got over 2 M results--yowza. But I must say that the blogs on the first page look more interesting, and I actually want to click on them and read!

Monday, February 2, 2009

More on Thing #2

(This is a long Thing! more like homework!!)

I read the article "The Ongoing Web Revolution". He comments that trust is key for social computing. I think that sometimes that trust is misplaced. Students trust 'way too much that the information about themselves that they post will not be used by anyone else. Recent articles in the newspapers about employers looking at applicants' Facebook pages, the non-privacy of Google, and even Michael Phelps' picture smoking pot all would seem to point to the fact that the users' information is definitely NOT private!

I want to read the articles about libraries and Facebook. One of our students set us (the library)up a Facebook page. My daughter, who is in PR for a bank, says that banking wants to take advantage of Facebook, too.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Thing #2

These are my thought on the readings for Thing #2:
I like Sarah Houghton’s definition of Library 2.0: "The basic drive is to get people back into the library by making the library relevant to what they want and need in their daily lives…to make the library a destination and not an afterthought.” This really sums up well what we are trying to do with Guitar Hero in the library this week and last. The staff and I were flabbergasted to get comments (from the Administration, and supposedly from a student) ranging from "How much did THAT cost? Where did you get money for that?" to "It's too noisy. Maybe the library isn't the best place for that."

John Blyberg says "the old fiefdoms need to disappear...": Our small staff has always been adept at picking things up that need to be done, whether it's covering the front desk, making student IDs or whatever. Community college libraries in FL have been doing more with less for several years now and we have been thinking about moving tech services staff to public services and other work flow changes for quite a while.

"Coffee shops are opening up in libraries...": Coffee shops are L2? That makes our Starbooks Internet Cafe and Patio L2! I knew we were cool! (And state award-winning!)

"More than anything else, the ideas that comprise L2 stand to bring revolutionary change to libraries, not simply adaptation to changing demands. Not even the initial introduction of ILSs compares to the conceptual, programmatic, cultural and physical changes that are bound to come about as a result of L2. Library 2.0 marks historical change.
L2 is essential for survival/pertinence. L2 is not an option. ...We will become the functional equivalent of back-room storage full of green hanging-file-folder boxes."

I've got to think about the revolutionary thing some more...maybe it's a s-l-o-w revolution that we're already in the middle of? ...I found a file case full of my files from the 80's a couple of months ago. I guess that's what we used to do--make files. (I tossed them all.)

More on the other articles later....

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Thing #1: Blog

Now I have my very own BLOG! It was pretty easy to set up.

We also have a Blog for the Library that we call Book Blog. We post short book reviews on it--kind of a "this is what I just read" notes. We also ask faculty and student to send us their short reviews to publish on the blog. We do not get much response unless we really nag. I also doubt that it is read very much. That seems to me to be the big downfall of blogs--who reads them??? How do you get people to read them?